Terms of Service for Ultimate-bot


  1. Introduction

These terms of service govern your use of Ultimate-bot, a Discord bot created by Minion.


  1. Definitions

Ultimate-bot” refers to the Discord bot created by Minion.

User” refers to any person who uses Ultimate-bot.


  1. Agreement

By accepting these Terms, you agree to be bound by them. You may not use Ultimate-bot if you do not agree to these Terms.


  1. Property Rights

Ultimate-bot is owned by Minion. You do not acquire any ownership rights in Ultimate-bot or any part thereof.


  1. Limitations

The User may not use Ultimate-bot for illegal or harmful purposes. You may not use Ultimate-bot to infringe the proprietary rights of others.


  1. Modifications

Minion reserves the right to change these Terms at any time. You are responsible for checking these Terms periodically for changes.


  1. Termination

Minion may terminate Your use of Ultimate-bot at any time.


  1. Disclaimer

Minion is not responsible for any damages caused by the use of Ultimate-bot.


  1. Applicable law

These Terms are governed by the law of the State of Italy.


  1. Address for communications

For any questions or complaints, the User can contact Minion at mvittorio29@gmail.com.



In addition to the Terms of Service above, Ultimate-bot Users agree to abide by the following conditions:


Ultimate-bot cannot be used to spread spam, offensive or harmful content.

Ultimate-bot cannot be used to collect personal data about other users.

Ultimate-bot cannot be used to violate Discord rules.

Violators of these conditions may be subject to sanctions, including deletion of their Discord account and reporting to the relevant authorities.


Effective date: November 1, 2023